Testinium Chief Test Architect Canberk Akduygu will attend Appium Conf as a Keynote Speaker
Mobile testing and automation experts will meet at Appium Conf for a full day of gaining insight into strategies in test automation as well as making valuable connections with other specialists from around the world. Appium Conf 2018 will be held in London and it will feature inspiring and practical talks on a variety of topics such as Appium for Unity games and apps, GUI Automation Testing, P2P Communication Testing and more.
Canberk Akduygu, Chief Test Architect of Testinium and Product Owner of Loadium is going to attend Appium Conf 2018 and will give a keynote speech about “Mobile Peer 2 Peer Communication Testing.”
Below you can take a look at the abstract of his speech:
“Basic functionalities of a peer 2 peer communication application are text, voice messaging, VoIP and video calls. In order to test its functionalities, we need more than two devices communicating with each other. There are also network interruptions/changes or app notification installed on the mobile device which can harm the quality of communication and application.
In order to automate regression test of these kinds of applications, we have extended Appium and Selenium Grid where we are able to cross-communicate multiple devices with each other. We also created a layer manipulating the mobile devices’ Bluetooth, wireless and other features.
Right now, we are able to automate P2P applications test with more than 100 devices varying from iOS to Android.”
To learn more details about Appium Conf, click here.