Oobeya Gamification League

You can set the objectives of your organization and keep your teams in play to achieve the goals.

Testinium focuses on bringing value and solve business main challenges

Does Gamification Work in the Software Development Process?

The main purpose of gamification in the field of software development is to motivate developers to adopt or improve the best programming practices while working on software projects. Project managers know the importance of having development teams that are highly motivated, committed to their projects, and dedicated to applying best practices. Teams with these attitudes are more likely to succeed, as well as gain more satisfaction from the project and from their clients.

Reduce Technical Debt With Gamification

Leverage gamification to improve software quality.

Gamification Platform

Oobeya provides a gamification platform for tracking the KPIs and Objectives of organizations.

Stay in The Game

Set your goals and keep your teams in play with the QA Dashboard Leagues.

Be Better, Earn Badges.

Know your goals and follow the progress as each team does to earn badges and be better. 

Take Control of Quality.

See where you stand and what you can improve to be better. 
Oobeya Gamification
Gamification, or the use of game design elements in non­-game contexts is an effective way to improve software developers motivations to produce quality work. 

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