test environment
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What is Test Environment and Why Should It Be Planned Within the Software Lifecycle?

Test environment is a server environment where software is checked in terms of functionality and controlled that the business needs are met in terms of performance, as well as other various needs by the team developing the software before the software meets the end user. These changes may vary depending on the content and needs of the project and/or the methodology followed in the project.

Recently, especially after the increase in the popularity of test automation in the market, it has become a common problem for companies. The main source of the reason for this problem that comes along with test automation is test environments. When companies start automation projects without professional help in testing automation, they have problems with the test environment, which is one of the most vulnerable places in test automation. At this point, because the test automation is planned without being included in the software lifecycle, the developers are not planning this cultural change and the test automation becomes very fragile.

As a second issue, the in-team efficient work can be addressed. At this point, the teams, especially the teams that follow the agile working methodology, need isolation of the environment in order to manage the version transitions. In order to provide these situations, different test environments should be used.

Local: It is the environment where software developers test their development on their own computers.

Dev: Servers where the developers perform integration tests. Unlike the production environment, this environment contains a version which also includes new properties.

Test: It is the environment where functional tests are carried out by the test team and version transitions are controlled. Automation testing can still show fragility. With API tests it is convenient to quickly catch finding. Regression tests are performed at this stage.

PreProd: The pre-prod environment is a copy of the prod. Before the customer meets the product, the package to meet the customer is tested. Version tests. Performance tests. Automation tests run.

Prod: It is the environment where the customer meets the product. It is the environment where A / B tests are performed.