Part 3: When To Choose Automated Testing or Manual Testing?
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Part 3: When To Choose Automated Testing or Manual Testing?

Automation testing includes the convertion of any manual test case into test scripts utilizing automation testing tools, and automation refers to the scripting or programming language used. Automation testing can be chosen for efficiency, effectiveness, and comprehensiveness in software testing. For detailed definitions, you can check the first part of this blog series, and for the detailed comparison, you can check the second part.

Automation testing solutions are used by test automation engineers to automate manual test cases by eliminating the need for human intervention. These testing tools have the ability to control test execution, retrieve test data, and compare the actual result to the intended result.

Manual testing, on the other hand, is testing in which the tester may test the application without knowing any programming language. Manual testing involves the test engineer testing the program as if it were a user to ensure it is bug-free and robust.

Manual test engineers are continually looking for defects or bugs in a product before it becomes live on the market, yet the software that is provided still has vulnerabilities. Even if the manual test engineer tries their best, there is still a risk that the final software product may have a bug or will fail to fulfill the customer’s requirements.

In a nutshell, manual testing works best in the following areas/scenarios:

  • Exploratory testing necessitates the knowledge, experience, analytical/logical abilities, originality, and vision of the tester. Insufficient specification documentation and/or a quick execution time describe this test. In this scenario, we require human talents to carry out the testing procedure.
  • Usability Testing: In this section, you must determine how user-friendly, efficient, or easy the program or product is for the end customers. The most crucial component here is human observation, hence a manual technique is preferred.
  • Ad-hoc Testing: There is no precise technique in this case. It is a completely unstructured style of testing in which the tester’s comprehension and intuition are the only factors that matter.

In the following areas/scenarios, automated testing is the preferable option:

  • Regression Testing: Automated testing is appropriate in this case due to frequent code changes and the ability to perform regressions quickly.
  • Load Testing: When it comes to load testing, automated testing is the best approach to get the job done quickly.
  • Repeated Execution: Testing that necessitates the execution of a job several times is best automated.
  • Performance Testing: Testing that involves simulating thousands of concurrent users also need automation.

With these considerations in mind, you can choose the optimal technique in each particular testing circumstance and provide high-quality results while staying within your budget and schedule.