Get Actionable Insights on Software Quality And Development Efficiency

Visualize and track engineering process to improve software quality and development efficiency with easy integration of DevOps / SDLC tools.

Analyze code repositories, visualize your teams’ activities and see where they get stuck. Meet Oobeya and build a high-performing technology organization.

Get Complete Visibility of Your Software's Health with Oobeya

Track quality-related metrics. Enlighten the engineering process. Deliver faster, stay reliable.

Quality Monitoring

All metrics in a single dashboard.

Development Productivity

Enlighten your engineering process, identify bottlenecks and increase productivity.


Collect & visualize metrics and activities of your engineers and teams.


Create Leagues, set goals, have fun and improve your software.

ALM Integrations

Connect your own tools & open the black-boxes to enlighten the engineering processes.

Repository Analytics

Analyze code repositories, make the development process visible and increase your productivity.

See Oobeya in Action

Learn how we can help you to create a high-performing technology organization.See the live demo of Dashboards, Scorecards, Leagues, Gitwiser Repository Analytics, and other significant features on Oobeya Playground…

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